EFM Health Clubs Footscray specialise in running Fitness programs that are custom designed to suit any fitness level and adjust workouts with individual needs and goals in mind. EFM are the Australia leaders in fitness programs. The facilities within Sunshine and Footscray Hospitals bring EFMs total number of health clubs in Victoria well into double figures and members are able to utilise the on-site facilities as well as the other Victorian-based locations. EFM Health Clubs provide members with a Personal Fitness Coaching service, which means that EFM Fitness Coaches actively train members during their workouts. The service is quite closely aligned to personal training with plenty of individual attention for members, though the price is very affordable. Through the partnership with EFM, Western Health staff receive a significantly subsidised and discounted membership rate equivalent to 50 percent of normal prices paid by many members of other EFM Health Clubs across Australia.
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